Research Supervisor Connect

Mechanisms of brain development


The role of Ten_m proteins in brain development


Dr Catherine Leamey.

Research location

Camperdown - School of Medical Sciences - Bosch Institute

Program type



Previous work from our lab has shown that members of the Ten_m family of transmembrane proteins play key roles in generating aligned inputs from the two eyes within the brain and that these are, in turn, vital for normal visual function.  Further exploration of the role of Ten_m proteins in brain development, and the functional effects of their absence are a central focus of work in the laboratory, and a variety of projects are available on these topics.  Work from other laboratories suggests links between Ten_m proteins and their binding partners with mental retardation and autism.  Projects which will explore the role of other potential guidance molecules in the development of mammalian sensory systems are also available.

Additional information

A variety of modern neuroscience techniques are use in the laboratory including neuroanatomical, electrophysiological, molecular biology and behavioural paradigms.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 230